Thursday, April 20, 2017

My New Brush Pens

I have been wanting to have a Tombow Fudenosuke brush pen so I went to National Bookstore at Shangri-La a couple of days ago. I am not lucky enough to find this kind of pen for the second time, so I ended up buying this two brush pens.

What I bought were the Zig Scroll & Brush Pen that's worth P97.00 and the Yoka Brush Pen that is P30.00 (the cheapest!). 
Below is the sample. The pink mark is the Zig Brush Pen and the black one is the Yoka.

Right now, I am still at the verge of learning everything about hand lettering. And I find it very stress relieving. As you can see on my writing, they don't really look good. But I know, practice makes perfect. Just practice! practice! practice!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Sharpie Permanent Markers for Handlettering

Lately, I have been watching videos about hand lettering and calligraphy. And now it got me super interested. So I ended up visiting book stores and looking for pens suitable for such skills. But then, I think it does not depend on the pens. What matters is the skills. If you are born with it, then it means you got talent about it. But I think, if you wanted to learn something, go for it and reach for it. So for now, what I purchased is a basic permanent marker that could help me getting started.
I also posted the Youtube video that I've been watching multiple times now. If you have comments or suggestions, please let me know :)